There are many things we can do for our pets to help them live the happiest life possible from providing them with an appropriate diet and good level of exercise to giving them all the love they deserve with pats and scratches
But have you ever thought about how you can help them at an energetic level? When it comes to good health and well-being I believe it's important to incorporate health practices that accommodate their physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects
So here are 7 some simple "energetic" techniques I've learned throughout my journey that you can use to help your beloved pet ranging from a technique that could possibly save their life to simply helping your pet feel good. There's bound to be a technique you can start using today
1. Shock Point:
Hopefully, you’ll never be in a situation where having this knowledge could help your pet
Thankfully at the time of writing this post, I’ve never had the chance to test if this actually works, but something I learned within my animal energetic training is that our pets have a shock point and if we press it firmly with our thumb during a time when we think we might lose them – it could save their lives
I was not given an image of exactly where the shock point is but the explanation I was given is…
“That spot at the base of the middle of your nose – that bit that separates the nostrils – between the 2 grooves just before the lip – this is where the shock point is of our animals”
My interpretation is that the shock point is located:
Image 1 and image 2 and image 3
If something bad happens to your beloved pet like being hit by a car or experiencing a bad reaction to a bee sting and you think you might be losing them (God forbid), take the pad of your thumb and push it real hard right on that spot (where the nose ends and the lip starts). I’m guessing that on a horse it might require 2 thumbs
It's an acupuncture point that’s great for emergency situations

2. Ears
For humans, the outer ear contains over 200 acupuncture points that correspond to every part of the body. Our pet’s ears are much the same holding acupuncture points for all areas of their body meaning you can treat all parts of their body via their ears
If your fur baby is not feeling well or has something going on (e.g. headache, digestion issue) rubbing or massaging their ears can provide them with relief. This is not a substitute for a visit to the vet but it may help your pet before and after the visit
When this was taught to me I was told to use the index finger, but I’d say it shouldn’t really matter which finger (or thumb) you use so long as you are able to start at the base of the ear and rub every point working all the way to the top. Try to do both ears at the same time if you can

This helps your pet at the physical, mental, and spiritual levels
If you cannot touch the ears (which is often the case for cats) you can rub the ears etherically – so you rub the ears a few centimetres away from the actual ears - it might seem weird but hey, it’s worth a shot. It might just surprise you

Image above: My little bubs loves his massages

When it comes to performing the grounding exercise on larger animals you'll end up going through 5 cycles due to the fact you will need to draw energy down each leg individually

3. Connecting all parts:
Think about your pets – what parts of their body do you mostly touch?
Connecting all parts involves becoming conscious of their entire physical body and setting an intention of connecting all parts
This is especially beneficial for an animal that has really strong behavioural issues, abandonment issues or has been abused
They may need to be reminded and provided with awareness of their whole body
A great way to do this is to massage your pet all over
Another way is via a grounding exercise where they are reconnected with the energy of the earth
Grounding Method:
- Join pointer fingers and middle fingers together on both hands
- If possible have your pet sitting or standing with its head away from you
- Starting at the nose, rub both fingers up the face between the eyes and ears, down the neck to the shoulder blades
- From shoulder blades separate hands so fingers can run down and around to the front of shoulder blades, down the front of the legs all the way down to the paws/hooves. Hold your fingers at the paws/hooves until you feel energy is travelling down into the earth. It’s OK if you can’t feel it - use the power of your imagination – imagine you can feel it or you can visualise energy travelling down from their paws into the earth. In the case of a larger animal such as a horse, you would need to run your fingers down 1 front leg at a time
- Repeat, starting at the nose and taking the fingers all the way down the spine to the hips and then separate the hands so they run down the fronts of the rear legs and all teh way down to the paws/hooves. Once again hold your fingers on the paws/hooves until energy is flowing down into the earth
- Repeat for a 3rd time, this time taking fingers all the way back and down their tail cupping your hands to face downwards at the end of the tail. If the tail is docked go to the place where the tail would have ended (cos the energy field remains). Same goes if your pet is missing a leg or part of a leg
To end the grounding, use your imagination and visualize surrounding the animal in a white, violet, or pink bubble of protection. Make the shield permeable so that positive energy can come in and out, negative energy can be released but negative energy cannot enter through the shield – like black arrows being bounced off
You can do this grounding exercise hands-on or from a distance
Pets become out of balance for all kinds of reasons – such as living predominately indoors, shock, trauma, surgery, living unnaturally, absorbing emotions from the humans they live with, taking on negative energy and dis-ease (sometimes as a buffer to protect their guardians) abuses, and injustices done to their species as a whole
This is why it is so important to be able to reconnect them to the energy of the earth

4. Figure 8’s:
Used to integrate the left and right hemispheres of the brain.
Needs to be done in both directions. The image displays 1 direction with arrows moving up from the centre of the figure 8. The other direction would be displayed by the arrowheads pointing downwards from the centre of the figure 8
Great for the following issues:
- abuse
- abandonment issues
- behavioural issues
- training problems
- seem to have ADD (not able to focus properly) by no fault of their own (e.g. have had to deal with drugs being pumped into them / over-vaccination or strong ancestry of vaccination / how they are fed (or not fed) )

Firstly, make sure you set an intention to have their brain come more into balance
- Walk a horse on a lead or ride the horse in a figure 8
- Walk a dog on a leash

- For smaller animals, walk in a figure 8 yourself whilst carrying it – but this won’t work as well because it’s the actual movement of walking in a figure 8 itself that integrates the right and left hemispheres of the brain – mind you, something is better than nothing and intension is everything - so if you set a strong intension that the figure 8 will work just as well as if they were walking themselves to integrate their brain hemispheres – and you truly believe it will, then so be it!
Another way to perform figure 8’s is to have your pet standing, sitting or even lying there and putting your arm straight out in front of you with your palm facing their direction (as though you were stopping traffic) Use your hand to draw a figure 8 around them from a distance as though the figure 8 were lying in its side (as per the figure 8 image above)
Starting at the middle go down and around to the left and up and around to come back to the middle then down and around to the right and up and around to get back down to the middle (repeat a few times)

Go the other way starting at the middle point and going up and around (repeat a few times). One way will be more beneficial for the animal - you will eventually be able to tell as you tune in

Keep doing it until you feel, know, or see there has been a shift – something has cleared or been released
Signs your pet has had a release/shift:
- yawn
- lick and chew
- stretch
- horses may drop their head
5. Feng Shui (energy flow – the Chinese art of placement):
Animals are very sensitive to energy flow
The way the energy flows in such things as your home, your backyard, a barn, a building, an obedience hall, or in a show ring - can all have an impact on your pet

Clearing clutter inside and out (something I love to do regularly) is one of the best things you can do to create better energy flow as well as keeping the place as clean as you can.
Did you know you can also “clean” the energy of your home? Things like smudging with sage, using cleansing sprays, chimes or tingsha bells – you can even clap your hands around the house as you visualize and have the intention of moving all the energy around to eliminate stagnant energy

Bringing natural elements into the house is a great thing to do for your pets: fire (candles), earth (non-poisonous to animals plants and flowers, crystal, driftwood)), water (bowl/fountain), wood, air (hang a mobile or chime), metal (although most houses have enough metal in them).
Safety always comes first: Animals are inspired by things of nature – but before bringing anything in be sure to check that it is non-poisonous to your pet. I suggest doing a Google search of poisonous plants specific to your country and/or state. Even check things like crystals. I know of 2 that are toxic: Malachite (due to its high levels of copper) and cinnabar (due to its high lead content). With regards to crystals, be careful where you position them – you don’t want your pet to end up choking on one. If you burn candles make sure they are non-toxic too with no poisonous fragrances
6. Sound
Sound has such an impact on our pets so it makes sense that we can use sounds and music to positively influence the emotional and psychological well-being of animals.
We can use sound to:
- reduce stress
- improve sleep
- help with behavioral issues
- pain management
- alleviate loneliness
- enhance bonding
- offer a distraction from negative triggers such as fireworks or thunderstorms
From simply playing soothing music you enjoy, a Spotify playlist designed for your pets, vibrational frequencies to help heal, using a white noise machine to reduce environmental and external sounds to get a little more specific, and looking to a specialist in animal sound therapy who can help you discover more specific sounds that help with specific issues.
It is important to note that not all pets will respond to sound or specific sound therapy in the same way and individual preferences may vary. Be sure to observe your pet as you play certain music or sounds to see how they are affected. Consulting with a veterinarian, animal behaviorist, or specialist in the animal sound therapy field to determine the most appropriate sounds or music for your specific pet’s needs is recommended. Additionally, always ensure the volume and duration of sound therapy are safe and comfortable for your pet
I often use frequency sounds when I meditate. My cat seems to really enjoy alpha wave frequencies and it always sees him crashing out for a few hours

7. Use of Positive Words, Symbols and Intensions to Your Pet's Water Bowls
Did you know you can affect the structure of water molecules by the words and feelings you direct toward them?
Dr. Masary Emoto, a Japanese businessman, author, and pseudoscientist conducted experiments where he would expose glasses of water to various words, pictures, or music, freeze the water, and then examine the frozen crystals under a microscope.
Emoto found that water exposed to positive words and intentions formed beautiful, symmetrical, complex, colourful snowflake patterns when the water was frozen, while water exposed to negative words and intentions formed disorganized, asymmetrical structures.
Knowing that water can hold thoughts and emotions is quite empowering because it means you can direct your intention to the water you provide your pet. You could even write words on their water bowl to help with their overall well-being such as love, peace, joy, vitality
The power of energy healing techniques for our beloved pets cannot be overstated. In this blog, we've explored seven simple yet effective methods to enhance the well-being of our furry companions. From Acupuncture to providing our pets with healing water, these practices offer a holistic approach to pet care, addressing not only physical ailments but also emotional and energetic imbalances.
By incorporating 1 or more of these techniques into our daily routines, we can create a harmonious environment for our pets, promoting their overall health and happiness. Remember that patience and consistency are key when applying these methods, as each pet is unique and may respond differently.
As pet owners, it's our responsibility to provide the best possible care for our animal friends, and energy healing offers a valuable complement to conventional veterinary care. Whether you're seeking to alleviate stress, boost their vitality, or strengthen your bond, these techniques can be a wonderful addition to your pet care toolkit.
So, why not start today? Dedicate some time to connect with your pets on an energetic level, and watch as they flourish with the love and positive energy you share. Your pets will thank you with their boundless affection and well-being, making your journey together all the more rewarding.

P.S. Other great energy techniques that may interest you: Crystal Healing and the Use of Flower Essences
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Feel you need more help with your pet's healing?
As a loving pet owner, I know you want nothing more than to ensure your fur baby is able to receive the exact healing needed.
As a certified animal energetic healer, during a healing session, I am able to connect with your pet in a way that will ensure he or she gets the exact energetic healing he or she needs to bring him or her closer to living a life of feeling “free to be” living at their highest potential. So if you feel your pet needs specialized healing at an energetic level, feel free to connect with me